Meet Owen

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Today is all about one.  One precious boy who has never known the love of a family.  A lonely boy who sits waiting each and every day for someone to come for him, but nobody ever does.  One boy who has been defined by the rare genetic condition he was born with.  A condition which has left him different than all the other boys and girls waiting for families.   Aren’t we all “different”?  Don’t we all have imperfections?  Yes!  But does that mean we don’t deserve love?  Does that mean this precious boy doesn’t deserve love or a family?  I think not!

Meet Owen, when his journey began…

Owen as a newborn.

     He was seen as unworthy of love from the time of his birth.


Months go by, and Owen is still waiting for a family.

Sweet baby Owen

 He is just a baby.  A sweet, snuggly little baby.  Why has nobody chosen him?


Owen became a toddler.

Toddler Owen

He plays and smiles like any other child his age.  He has so much potential if only he is given the chance.  His tiny little body aches for the hugs and kisses of a mommy and daddy who loves him, just like any other child.  Yet he still waits.

Why hasn’t he been chosen yet?  Are people too scared to adopt a boy who is so different?   Are people afraid of him?   This precious boy is surely deserving of the love and affection of a mom and dad, isn’t he?  So what if he is different!  Aren’t you different from me?   So why is it that Owen doesn’t have love and doesn’t have a family because of how “different” he is?                           

This little boy wriggled his way into my heart while I was searching an adoption site (which I often do).  When I stumbled onto a photo of Owen, and it had me in tears.  I mean hysterical tears.  Why?  Because the adoption site had only one very sub par photo of him.  I understand that for many of the children, the agency only gets one photo and that’s all, so they have no choice but to use it.

 That photo portrayed him in a way that I just knew in my heart was not truly him.  I was so heartbroken that this boy was not even being offered the tiniest of chances to have a family.   I was outraged that this was the photo that the adoption agency was using.  But again, maybe they had more photos to choose from?  I don’t know.  I only know that with this photo could potentially be the cause for the old “scroll past” for this precious child.   I almost don’t want to show you all.  But I feel I have to for full understanding to be attained. Here it is.



I am so upset when I see this, I cannot even convey it properly!   This was the very first photo I ever saw of Owen.

Through tears as I write this I think to myself, “How is this giving him a chance?”   I have prayed and prayed for Owen.   Owen has been on my heart for so long folks.     This sweetheart is just a baby, not quite 5 years old.    What if this were my child?

Then, yesterday as I scrolled through the many waiting children, I see the sweet a precious face I always knew existed!  I saw this…

A happy, somewhat smiling boy waving to the camera!  Oh praise God!!!   The adoption site gave him a real chance!  Now maybe his mom and dad will see what I see.  Do you see?  Do you?  Can you see the promise in those eyes?  Can you imagine how much bigger that smile could be?  The giggles that could be heard if he were tickled?  Oh my, I cannot express how much I pray this guy’s family will find him and bring him home!

While typing this, my 19 month old came to the computer.  I wasn’t sure what she would think seeing Owen’s face.  But you know what she did, she stared for a moment and then said “baby”.  I replied, “Yes, that is a sweet baby.”   She giggled for a moment while still staring.  In my mind I am thinking to myself, “What does someone like my daughter, untainted by the world and it’s unrealistic standards, think when she sees someone like Owen?”  Many kids would be afraid perhaps since they  have been conditioned to think that imperfection is something to fear.   As my daughter stares at this picture I tell her, “This baby’s name is Owen. Owen is a sweet boy.”  What came out of her mouth I didn’t expect, she said, “Kiss!”  So I helped her reach the monitor and she kissed Owen’s picture.  She then said, “More Owen!”  I scrolled through all the photos of him as she asked to kiss each one of them.  She thought he was beautiful.  The last thing she said really chokes me up.  Very distinctly and clearly she said, “Owen, ocean, Owen, ocean.”  Now maybe it was purely the rhyme she figured out?   But maybe not.  Maybe she she was saying Owen is beautiful like the ocean.  Ari loves the ocean.  I have not been able to get that out of my mind.  Because it’s true – Owen is beautiful and strong just like the ocean.  Leave it to my toddler to teach me something so deep and meaningful.

So…  now I ask the inevitable question.  What will you do to help get Owen’s story out there?  Will you help this little boy to no longer be defined by his imperfections.  Help his new mom and dad to see this face which God created, as their perfectly and wonderfully made SON.

You can go to the link below to see more about Owen.

I will be re-posting this one now and then so that Owen really might have a chance!   Will you do the same?

In Owen’s region, there are so many kids that have either already been transferred to a mental institution or will be shortly.   Remember children who have Down Syndrome have an over 90% chance of dying in their first year in a mental institution.  If they do not have Down Syndrome, they have an over 80% chance of death in the first year.  Survival in these terrible places is not easy and essentially these kids are sentenced to death.   Please keep that in mind as you read about each child.

Cora Lynne

Can you believe this tiny peanut is 5 1/2 years old?  She has Down Syndrome which, in her region, makes her worthy of nothing more than to be thrown away into a mental institution for the rest of her life.  Please click the link to learn more about Cora Lynne.



Archie is facing transfer to he mental institution soon.   He is such a sweet boy, but he has Down Syndrome.  Please read more about Archie and what a little love bug this guy is.



This little bug is 6 years old!  Like the other children, she looks like a baby.  Sadly this is a product of the nutrient poor diet and neglect these children suffer.  She has downs syndrome and is facing transfer soon.



Folks, sweet Abbott is 5 years old and has already been transferred. Nobody knows how he is doing, so his situation is dire!  Please get his photo circulating!  He has Down Syndrome so I fear the worst.  Please click the link to read about what an amazing boy he is.



Tomas was born in 2005 and has Down Syndrome.  He is at risk of being transferred very soon.  Look at his face.  Does he deserve to die?



Born in 2005 this sweet little round faced pumpkin is at risk for transfer soon!  Poor sweetie could blossom in a family.  She does not deserve an institution.

Please remember that none of these kids will have a chance to find a home if there photos aren’t circulated.  So please, share this post on Facebook or Twitter or wherever.  And don’t underestimate the power of prayer!


12 responses »

  1. Andrea, thank you so much for making me aware of Owen. I will share this post!

    • Thank you Susanna! Feel free to copy and use my exact post or whatever you want. I am honored you want to use it! I want so badly for his family to find him, so thank you for helping me to do that!


  2. Thanks again, Andrea! What gorgeous Pumpkins. 🙂

    I must admit, we are all so programmed to hate ‘difference’ and ‘disability’. When I first looked at Owen, I’ll admit, it, (and I am very squeamish by nature) I thought “Oh, Lord. I can’t hack looking at any more gut-wrenching stuff. This is awful. I don’t want to look.”

    I turned away and carried on with my day, thinking of and praying for Owen. ANd praying for me, too. That I will look at people as The Lord does – an ‘earthen vessel’ containing a precious immortal soul. Logging back on now, I can honestly say my heart goes out to this chap – and not just in sympathy!. He really is lovely. What a smile-what promise! A GORGEOUS boy. 🙂

    Will add him to my prayer list and try to pass this on!

    God bless!

    • Jasmine,

      Thank you for pushing past your initial reaction to Owen and giving this sweet boy a chance. He is just a sweet little 5 year old boy who needs love like any other child. I want everyone to think, “what if this were me or my child, how would I want people to react?” Once your heart breaks and you sort through the emotions. You come out the other side finding that you have a new compassion for others, perhaps as the Lord does.
      As you said, you are just another victim of societal programming. It is gut wrenching, I will not argue that. It is a modern day holocaust against children. Only with this holocaust, there are no memorials, no museums, nothing to honor the children who have suffered so greatly and have even lost their lives because of it. This holocaust is accepted in many societies across the globe, shocking, true and unchanged for way to many years. I am actually going to use this message to you as part of a future post as I think it is poignant reminder of how dire the situation really is.

      Thanks again Jasmine and remember to send me link to the page you end up sharing on if you do! I want to make sure you are entered into my “sharing” part of the drawing I am doing. Thank you for your courage!

      God bless you!


      • Dear Andrea,

        Amen, amen, amen! He sure is ‘ a sweet little 5 year old boy’. You can really see, especially with the last photo, the enormous personality that just needs a little space to blossom! What potential. Can you imagine what he could give to a family?!

        And you are right about the ‘modern day holocaust’. The exact phrase I was thinking of earlier. If you read (Adeye’s blog), which is how I found you, I think, you will know about little Amelia. (If not, go take a look at the blog for info!). That orphanage is an Auschwitz. And, just like back then, WHERE ARE WE???!!!! Who helps?

        The sad reality is that few of us even KNOW. That is why sharing these things is so important – your blog, for example, is very valuable!

        I will try and share this story with those I know. Don’t worry about the giveaway, though, as I don’t have anywhere online to re-post it, and live in the U.K, so wouldn’t use American gift certificates! 🙂

        Could I maybe get in touch with you privately (via e-mail)? It would be good to share some of what we are discovering on this journey! (You are a few steps ahead of me. 🙂 )

        God Bless x

      • Oh Jasmine, You are right, Owen would bless a family so greatly! Adeye’s blog is the very first one I ever found way back when God first started to reveal His plan for me in this. Adeye’s blog began to open my eyes to much of the orphan crisis. It just snowballed from there. I have actually been dying to talk with her, but she is a super busy mom! I have been keeping up on Amelia and her story, praying for her and her family. I hope all goes well and she is able to come home. Of course you can contact me, my email is , I look forward to walking with you my friend! Stay strong, it’s a tough road but worth it. Too many people decide it’s too painful, too much reality to handle therefore they turn their eyes away from it. I have been blown away by the lack of support from some of my friends and family, which in the beginning I thought for sure would be there cheering me on. Just be prepared for this scenario, although I hope for your sake, you will have all the support you need. Well, that’s a bummer about the drawing, are you sure a visa gift card wouldn’t work there? I mean if you won of course. Just let me know if you change your mind!

        God bless!


  3. Thank you so MUCH for this post about Owen!
    He deserves a family!
    He deserves a mama!
    I will share this blog post with everyone I know and ask them to share it too.

    • Thank you Kristina!

      I agree with you 1000%! My son keeps telling me that he would love it if God asked us to adopt Owen. You know, God has a way of planting seeds, so we will see what He decides! I appreciate so much your heart in trying to share Owen’s story, so many are too afraid. On a side note: Please send me a link to wherever you share my blog so that I can enter you into both of the drawings I have going right now. I have a post called “I’m Hosting A Drawing” if you want to check out what it is. So far, I have you down for the comment drawing.

      His Best


  4. I want to thank you a thousand times for posting about Owen. When I first saw Owen I was so taken aback by his appearance and I am ashamed to say that I couldn’t see past his face. But he haunted me. I couldn’t STOP looking at his picture. I stopped seeing him as “different” and saw him as a lovely boy, a boy who needs love, who DESERVES love. These new pictures, well they had me sobbing as I stared at Owen as a tiny, helpless baby. Those eyes, those cheeks. I just wanted to hold him and love him. Your post inspired me to try and help more and I’ve asked my family to pray for Owen, to pray he finds a mama and dada. I’ve also been making small donations to his adoption fund. I so very wish I could do more, but maybe this blog post will help him find a family that can love him? Anyway, a big thank you for doing this post!

    • Katharine,

      🙂 I should be thanking YOU my friend! For reaching within your heart and seeing this innocent child for who he truly is, a deserving, sweet and beautiful boy who desperately needs a mom and dad. Hearing from people like you, are nothing short of answer to prayer for me! Everyday, I pray that God will give just one person the courage to move past the fear and sadness, and whole wholeheartedly learn about these kids and their plight. And when that person chooses to go beyond the learning and begins the “doing”, it’s a full on celebration worthy! Thank YOU, for donating to Owens fund and for getting his face out there. God bless!

      P.S. Good luck on the drawing! I will announce the winner on 8/6! Let me know where you end up sharing if you do, so I can go see it and enter into the drawing for “sharing” as well.


  5. Fantastic post however I was wanting to know if
    you could write a litte more on this topic? I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit
    further. Bless you!


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