Tag Archives: Adoption

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Daisy is with her mama!!
I Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone of you who shared, shopped, and bought from the amazing Kelly and Staci and their fabulous Lularoe fundraiser event they hosted for me!


I also have to sneak in a thank you to Tori of Noonday for her tandem fundraiser which, btw has drop dead gorgeous stuff! Seriously, if you haven’t checked out Noonday, they have a heart for helping and really gorgeous merch, so do it!  Here’s some photos from our event!

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Because of all your support, and both companies graciously matching the money from items sold, a total of $625 was raised from both events!   And BECAUSE OF YOU, My friend Starr is now holding her precious new daughter Daisy!



I have to let you know, that this mama and daughter are a match made in heaven! Starr says little Daisy is absolutely amazing and she couldn’t be happier!  Here is a direct quote from Starr: “Something about Daisy…
What can I say? This child is magic. She is calm, sweet and peaceful. She is gorging herself with hugs and kisses, she can’t get enough! She is loving and nurturing as she loves on her stuffed ladybug. She LOVES music and dancing. She loves reading books and loves to read them to me as she turns the book so I can see the pictures pointing to them like a teacher would. I showed her 3 signs…please, eat and drink. She immediately repeated them. She is so incredibly smart. She LOVES to be tickled silly!
She also chucks food when she’s done and bites her sister. Haha!
She is an escape artist and can scale the crib with bars on it. I still don’t know how she does it! She loves to run away while she laughs.
Some things to work on :).”

I just love that Starr is being real here!  Daisy sounds like an incredible cute little stinker and I can’t wait to meet her!

P.s. These fabulous ladies from Lularoe and Noonday can run fundraisers so if you’re interested contact either myself or see below for links to their pages.   OR just had head over to their pages to shop!

Tori:   torirask.noondaycollection.com

I mean LOOK!  Such good stuff AND they are socially minded!

Also don’t forget…

Lularoe Kelly and Staci’s VIP’s- Their shop is open 24/7 online! New inventory regularly, no tax and low shipping!: https://fb.com/groups/lularoekellyandstacivips/?fth=1

One more thank you to Mike and Cathy Novak for helping orchestrate this with Kelly and Staci!  It would not have happened without you!  Who are Mike and a Cathy?  They have an amazing little Lularoe shop as well… No tax, free shipping, new inventory all the time, and they are a dream to work with!  Their shop is also open 24/7!   Go check them out at : https://fb.com/groups/CathyandMikeNovakLularoe/?fth=1

I love my Lularoe!  You will too! No, really you will… I realize that sounded like an advertisement, haha!

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Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!  Oh, and Monday too! 

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If you read my post Wish Upon A Starr, you know about the amazing opportunity to support the Pelc family in their adoption journey AND score some super cute duds and a bit of bling too!    There are three ways to join in the fun.

Help bring this cutie home!

#1.Check out Tori Rask and her Noonday shop to see our fundraiser going on now,  featuring unique and beautiful jewelery and accessories! At: bit.ly/bringhomedaisy
Are these not gorgeous?

#2.  Join us for a fun and unique Lularoe shopping experince at the in-home fundraiser event this Sunday!  See the clothes, try on and take home!  So fun!   You MUST MUST MUST request to join their group first in order to see the even invites!

Link to join group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lularoekellyandstacivips/
*Link to the In-Home event (local Portland area) We’d love to see you on Sunday, July 17th at 2pm. Tori Rask will be here with Noonday (amazing jewelry and accessories), there will be a raffle or two… come join us! Don’t miss out on the fun!

Portland area Fundraiser Event! 

*Can’t make it to the In-Home event?  Join us for a fun online shopping experience.  Again, all for the Pelc family!

Online Shopping Event!

Still not sure?  Check out my Lularoe below!  Then decide. Don’t hesitate to ask me questions about fit, fabrics, and I’ll do my best to help!  No, I dont sell it, I just love it.

The Nicole dress

Above:  Buttery soft leggings dressed up!

Below:  Crazy print, super soft leggings, dressed down!

Below:  The Julia dress- so comfy.

EPIC Auction is now Open!

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UPDATE!  This auction was a wild success and with your support over $2,800 was raised!!!  Thank you!


If you read my last post titled Finding Home, you may be curious how you can help support this amazing family.   My Facebook auction is now open and all proceeds go towards bringing these kids home!   So far there are 280 items to bid on, it’s sort of EPIC.   Come by, and bid!   Go Here:  Schultz Family Auction


Thank you!

HUGE Thanks!

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Well,  that was fun…

Actually,  I’m lying.   That auction was super tough and I never imagined it would take so much.

I’ve never seen 3am roll around so many times.

However, it was not in vain.     You guys showed UP in a big way to support these four families.   Yes, four families I know personally who are adopting SIX kids between them!

That’s six kids who will each become a beloved son or daughter.   Hugs and kisses,  love and laughter will become their daily life, and it’s such a sweet sweet thing.  A far cry from what they have known.

So really I just want to say  thank you to all who donated items,  shared,  supported,  bid on or won items,  you guys are fantastic!

$1,334 was raised!   It’s been split up among the families and let me tell you,  they couldn’t be more grateful for your support.

Thank you and Merry Christmas all!

P.S.  Stay tuned for the next fun event!   I’ll be brainstorming!   If any of you have fundraising ideas you’d like to see,  drop me a comment!








Winner Revealed!

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First off, a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who supported my fundraiser!  You guys are amazing!!!   This is such a long time coming, so without further adieu… Our winner!    Over $1,200 was raised to benefit the Horton family, Maya’s Hope and sweet little Ben.    Each one of these still desperately needs your support so please click on each to learn more.  You can also find more information as several recent posts have been made on each here on this blog… so please browse!

Congrats to Deanna E.!

The Truth

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Parenting is hard… I mean really HARD. And full time stay at home parents, we have it all times ten!  We happily accept our lives filled with cold, soggy, melted, thrice nuked meals because we were too busy taking care of everyone else to get more than two bites of our own meal in.  Yet we do it each day.


We sacrifice getting to shower everyday or even every other day, for one every three days. There’s just not enough hours in a day and sometimes we’re just too plain exhausted. We rarely get a full nights sleep…


  Get time to ourselves,  eat breakfast before 2pm, or sit back to enjoy a movie. We all have a sea of toys covering seemingly every surface in the house, dishes piled in the sink and a “laundry couch”. Regardless of what we do for a living, as a parent, we are all doctors, nurses who fix boo boo’s, chefs, tailors, ATM’s, beauticians, drill sergeants, cops, artists, judges, therapists and teachers. We’re responsible for raising respectful, loving, hard working, responsible individuals who will perhaps eventually use what they learned from mom and dad to teach and raise their own children… No pressure right?

Our lives are filled with doctors appointments, school events, back-talk, eye-rolling, snot, poopy diapers and puke. And parents, I know at one point or another the infamous poop in the bathtub has made it’s disgusting way into your life… Don’t even lie. Let’s also not forget the accidental injuries one can receive from a child; black eye, bloody lip, bruises, or the really fun impaled foot from stepping on a rogue toy! All things we gladly take on because we love our kids. Sacrifice and hard work is our labor of love.

I recently started serving foster/ adoptive families through FPNO (Foster Parents Night Out) and it really is incredible to get to know these amazing kids. My friend recently told me, “I think I get more from them than I could ever give back”. So true! I am so blessed by these kids, it just makes my day brighter being with them. That said, after spending real time studying these sweeties, watching behaviors, learning their quirks and personalities, it got me really thinking…

Have you ever thought about what other parents might be going through? They might be just as stressed, tired and totally spread thin as you, or worse. Many adoptive parents and foster parents have all this and so much more on their plates. They care for children who have endured so much trauma in their short lives. Yet these parents, give it their all… everything they have plus some, all while trying to break through the wall and reach the heart of a kiddo who doesn’t want anyone in.

This video is just a glimpse of life through the eyes of a foster/adoptive child.

If you know a foster or adoptive parent or heck, any parent… Tell them thank you for the job they do.

Growing people is hard work, and it can be a thankless job at times. I’ve been at that place… ready to throw in the towel. BUT, it is the BEST job… The most rewarding job.
We hold out for the moments of beauty, the quiet snuggles, little arms wrapped around your neck, a tiny voice saying ” I wub you” in your ear. Those are the moments that we thirst for, and they make all the bad days worth it.



The most beautiful experience of my life has been raising my children. And yes, I did say “job”, but that’s not really accurate. At a job you get a guaranteed lunch break. You get to go to the bathroom when you need to and without an audience. You get to punch out and be done with it till your next shift. Parenting is NOT a job, it’s a lifetime of being on call 24/7. Not because we have to be, but because they need us just as much as we need them. It’s an honor.

My mind goes to that saying I read somewhere once; “The decision to have a child, is to accept that your heart will forever walk about outside your body”. That quote is very true for most parents, wheather your kiddos share your DNA or not… They are your heart.


As a last note, if you suspect child abuse our neglect, or anything strikes you as odd about a situation involving a child, DO NOT HESITATE to report it! You can remain anonymous. The least that will happen is they will look into it… The worst thing that could happen is a child continuing to be abused or worse, die at the hands of their abusers because everyone turned a blind eye.

Little Ones Lost

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Heavy on the heart  is a common thread with me, which I feel I should apologize about.  But truly, there is no way to sugar coat the orphan crisis, child abuse, trafficking and just plain brokeness.  There is too much reality in what I blog about to be sweetly packaged with a pretty bow.

Over the months I have been so blessed to see so many beautiful children come home to their forever families, many of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting.  Many I am still waiting to meet.  But then there are so very many I will never meet, never see them as they grow and never, never, never.  Why?

There is a side of this world that should never be.  The side that doesn’t get talked about aside from those in our closed little community of passionate advocating orphan lovers and adoptive parents.  Although we stand with torches blazing and lungs bellowing, screaming at the very tip tops of our voices for all to hear, begging for others to hear us out, to see what they have been blinded to.  Please, SEE THEM!  LOVE THEM! HELP THEM!  SPREAD THE WORD!  Although we stand, this is what is not heard…  They will be lost forever, aging out and put on the streets to fend for themselves.  They will be placed in mental institutions, be forgotten, caged like animals.  They will die.   If you dont listen, help, share, or see.  Really open your eyes and look at their faces.
































Connor James








All of these precious, sweet babes have lost their battle waiting for a family.  They all passed away before they could know the love of a mother, before they knew what snuggles were.  They did not get the chance to live loved by the people they were with, but rather they were all so very loved by all those fighting to help them.  We loved them, I loved them.  I believe we will always love them, think of them, pray for their powerful legacy to live on.  My hope is their legacy will bring forth change and give hope to those still waiting.

These are just a handful of the children who died waiting.  In loving memory.


It doesn’t have to be this way.  These babies did not have to die.

Please share.   Advocate.  Educate yourself despite the heartbreak.  Donate.  Help change the world.

New Endeavors!

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What a blessing it has been to be so embraced by fellow like minded people in this new world I have entered.   This was such a blind path that I embarked on over seven months ago, I had no clue how things would turn out.  I just knew that I needed to tell people what I had discovered about these precious kids in orphanages all over the world that have been tossed away like trash.  I needed to try to spread awareness about child abuse and how rampant it really is in our society.  To really make people think about how they can help make a difference and stop it.   I haven’t even had a chance to write about some of the other things that are on my heart, because to be honest, they are so heavy and quite hard to absorb.   This said, I have set a goal that I must just force myself to get it out there within the next few posts, so more to come on that later.

Back to the first thought here…

I have been graciously invited into an incredible group of folks who all have a passion for the children.  Some have adopted, some are in the process now, some are advocating and fundraising for families in need, and some are just there to be supportive to said families in any way they can be.  I am telling you, these people are amazing!

A few weeks ago my husband and I had the pleasure of attending an intimate group gathering at a church in Salem, OR.  This would be my first time ever really meeting any of these people and even though I had had many chats via Facebook or email with some of them, I just felt as if I were meeting pen pals or celebrities even.  I was so nervous!   Yet I knew that God had placed this path and these people in my life for a reason.

On our way there my husband jokingly says we should have a “safe word” in case I end up feeling really uncomfortable.  We had just watched New Girl on TV the night before and they had a safe word, “apricots”.  So we laughingly agree on apricots.

We arrive and there isn’t really anyone there besides a few cars.  We walk in and right away we are welcomed by Kim (who invited us).  From there on it was a whirlwind of constant good conversation with people.  I was so excited to finally meet Becki who I instantly hit it off with as well.  I knew I belonged the moment Becki and I were chatting and I confessed Grant and I had established a safe word and before I got the chance to go any farther she busts out laughing and says “Oh my gosh, do you guys watch New Girl?”  and in unison we both said, “Apricots!”   The laughter was uncontrollable!  Especially when I told her it really was apricots!

RR Group

Everyone only got blurry cell phone pictures. That is all we got too! Most of the kids are missing from this pic too, they were too busy playing.

What a wonderful time we had.  Good food, good people and the biggest treat was getting to see the kids playing together so carefree.  Many of these children came from adoption, and some from the very orphanages we all so desperately want to get children out of halfway across the world.  One sweet little angel was 4 year old Sophia.  At 4 years old, she weighed only 10 pounds.   This is not a rare occurrence, sadly in Eastern Europe this child’s physical condition is one that is seen far too often.  Severely malnourished and neglected for years in a crib with little human contact.  Sophia has been home for two months and has already gained 5 pounds!!!   She is still super tiny and is the size of an infant, but that is major progress!   That goes to show that it isn’t her “condition” that makes her so tiny.  Which is what so much of the staff at these orphanages claims to believe.   If a child has down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy or anything else the starvation/undernourishment of these babies is claimed not to be the issue, but the child’s condition.  They don’t see an issue with what or how much they feed the kids.  I know that not all orphanages are like this, but too many are.  My prayers continue to go out to Sophia and her family and all others in similar situations out there.  More on Sophia in my next post so stay tuned!!

We also had the privilege to meet a sweet couple and their darling baby girl.  Darrell and Haley are newly in the process of adopting a sweet little love named Copeland.  He is cute as can be, but is waiting for a family to call his own.   Darrell and Haley have a long road ahead of them and they need all the support they can get.  Please consider going to their blog page to follow them on their journey  http://thebuhmanbunch.blogspot.com.

Meet little Copeland!


I guess that is all for now!  Take care all!

A Sour Return To Posting…

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I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

As most of you know, I have been taking a break from posting for a while due to health reasons.  I am 5 months along now and by the grace of God I have been feeling better for about two weeks now, yay!  It has been a tough road thus far but we are getting through it.  Thank you all who have been praying for us.

With my health improved so greatly, I felt it was time to make a return to the cause I love so much.  Sadly, what has moved me on this day is the sorrow of Russia’s new and crazy law.  I really cannot believe this is happening.  It seems the leader in charge of this movement in Russia is upset about America restricting entry to people who have been “accused “of human rights violations in Russia.   Although, it is also reported that he is siding with the common misconception in Russia that American parents are neglectful and abusive to their children.  Interestingly there is no evidence to back this up.  In fact it has been found that since 1998 after close to 50,000 adoptions of Russian children by American families, there have been 19 reported cases of child death.  However in the same length of time, 1,220 children died while in the care of their Russian adoptive parents.   So I believe this reason is completely unfounded and is quite honestly being used as a fabricated excuse.  Not that I think ANY child death is excusable, I just think that if we are going to play this game it should be fair and backed by facts.  If they are going to say that Americans are dangerous parents and they are going to bring in human rights mumbo jumbo, that they should actually look at the numbers and punish their own people.  1,220 children is a whole heap more than 19.  Still, shame on each and every person responsible for those 1,239 children who died, no matter what country they are from!

Human rights violations are what we advocates are all about, we are trying to stop human rights violations in all sorts of countries.  That is a main reason I started blogging in the first place.  We ALL want fair and good treatment of children, and disabled adults all over the world.  America may be leaving a huge gray area for this ban (accused instead of convicted), Yet I am happy about the statement we are making, “We won’t tolerate that kind of behavior folks”.  Still, really?   Punishing the children, with the main goal of pulling at our heart strings is a pretty sick tactic.

Let me get this straight Russian leader who’s name rhymes with tootin;  Let the children suffer, be abused, languish in a crib for years till they die of neglect and starvation in some orphanage or institution, which in turn will hopefully make us Americans change the law and allow the scumbags responsible for this treatment to be granted travel access into our country?  Would you like us to lay out a welcome mat too and maybe a big sign for them that says “we love abusers”?    We are not okay with human rights violations!   You are going to go and blatantly COMMIT human rights violations?   You are totally willing to sacrifice those precious lives purely for retaliation on us for not being “cool” with these people?  Yeah that makes a ton of sense, and it is sick!

Shall we look at the numbers? Shall we see how many children “could have” been rescued?  Are you ready?

An estimated 1,500 American families are now were in the process of adopting Russian children.



46 families are were in the final stages of adopting Russian children.



So folks that means around 1,550 children who thought they were finally getting out of their chains of bondage, some of who met and felt the love of their new families, will now get nothing!  Nothing but a life rotting away in an orphanage or mental institution.    They almost had the chance at a real life, but it has been taken away from them like everything else.  This makes me so sad…

I will never understand why people do what they do.  How in their minds such evil motives and actions are acceptable, how they go to bed at night warm and snug and actually live with themselves.  It is beyond my comprehension.  Things like this leave such an unsavory sour taste in my mouth and leave my stomach churning.

Satan and his demons roam this earth preying on people.  So many fall victim and end up doing terrible things.  God giving us the gift of choice has been manipulated by the dark forces of our world and is being used to harm so many who are so very innocent.   Please join me in praying for these lost people, for the helpless children, for the families who long to make a difference, for the country and it’s  leaders,  for our country and for our world.

Thank you all!  I have missed you!

Time To Step Up!

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Many of you who read my blog may remember these sweet boys…


Heath has been waiting so incredibly long for his family to find him.  He has spent his entire life in institutions, never knowing the love of a mom and dad, never getting hugs and kisses, never being able to run and play like every child should.  Heath now lives in a cold, desolate, sad place that is the mental institution he calls home.  Heath is very tiny for his age and it is most likely a daily ritual for the older, bigger boys to bully him and steal his food.  These children are litterally left to fend for themselves.

The good part…

Last week folks all over the nation came together on what became “Heath Day”, holding fundraisers and events to raise money for Heath’s adoption fund.  Now, with the thousands of generous people who came together and donated funds, Heath is fully funded!!!  Yay!  How amazing is this news!?

I am one of the many people who believe that if he is fully funded, his family will have nothing holding them back from claiming their son.  Heath now has a chance to be rescued!  I know Heath has such a bright little light inside him, and am so excited to see what his future holds!




Well folks, I would like to set the same type of goal for this little sweetheart below…

Do any of you remember this little guy?

Sweet baby Owen

This is Owen.

If this is the first time you are meeting Owen, please go to this link and read my story about this little love, then head on back over here and read on.

This precious boy has struggled his whole life, and to be honest, he has even less of a chance of getting a family because of his rare genetic disorder.  What I am really trying to say is, because most people are afraid of “different”, Owen has even greater odds to beat.  I pray with all my heart for the day I see his sweet face on the “My Family Found Me” page!  However, I also hope that a family in Oregon adopts him so I can visit!

when I learned about all those coming forward to help Heath’s family find him, I realized that Owen needs the same help!  Owen only has a little over $3,000 in his grant fund.  This amount is sadly a LONG way away from the goal of around $25,000-$30,000 that is needed to fund his adoption.


So friends, you don’t have to be rich you just have to be willing.  Would you be willing to donate $2, $4, $6 or $10 or more?   Would you be willing to sacrifice one day of Starbucks ($4) to help give this boy a chance at a family?  By taking five minutes to donate a few measly dollars, we could help Owen’s family find him and bring him home sooner without them having to shoulder the financial burden of the massive cost of adoption.   Owen desperately needs a family to love him.  I can’t imagine how he would blossom if he were in a loving family.

I feel connected to this little five year old as if he were my own son.  But I also know that at this time God has other plans for us, outside of adoption.  It breaks my heart as I am so attached to Owen, I can’t bear to see him waste away in some orphanage unloved for the rest of his life.  I certainly DO NOT want to see him get transferred to a mental institution

Will you please help me to reach my goal of at least 30 people donating?  If we could get more that would be amazing!  If each of my readers would donate something, anything, it would help so very much and I know I have more than 30 readers.   Click on this link to go to Owen’s donate page, there is a “donate” button towards the bottom.  It takes just a minute and could help give Owen a real life outside orphanage walls.

Please leave me a comment and let me know that you have donated!  I would be so pleased to know how many are supporting this little guy!

   Fellow bloggers, readers and friends, Please share this wherever you can!  Let’s see what we can do for Owen!

     Phase one of “Project Rescue Owen” initiated!  Let’s pray that God moves mountains here!