Monthly Archives: July 2012

Guest Post and Changes On The Horizon

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Today is actually a “guest post” of sorts, courtesy of Susanna Musser.  This post was recently featured on Susana’s blog:  The Blessing Of Verity.   Susanna has an amazing story of her own, and if you get a chance, go by her blog, and check it out!

The children featured here are orphans in an orphanage that is really the worst of the worst.  It isn’t one of the many terrible mental institutions I have mentioned on my blog before.  No, friends, but I tell you, it might as well be!  These children are living in a  place which has been referred to as “Auschwitz for Children”.   The children here are so tiny and malnourished from years of neglect and a diet of nutrient-poor food in small amounts.  I will elaborate more after the guest post below.

So, here’s Susanna…


Your light has come, little child

Small dear one,

When you were born, it was a dark time for the mother who gave birth to you.

The people around her used their words to paint a sad and dark picture of her life with you in it.

She put you into a dark place, in charge of a woman who did not love the truth.

For seven long years, you were hidden in that place of no love, of darkness and lies.

The place where four year old Marsha



eight year old Payton



…and twelve year old Penny…

…are still waiting for their families to claim them!

Please email without delay about adopting Marsha, Payton, or Penny!,

You live in a place that made a five year old boy look like a tiny, skinny baby.

Meet Adam, who has endured severe physical, emotional, and medical neglect.  He lies in bed all the time with no baba and is suffering from the lack of shunt and cataract surgery.  I can’t look at him without tears, and cannot read his file without feeling angry.  Please, someone, allow God to move your heart, and email Nina Thompson about adopting this precious boy from Pleven.

Little girl, you know all about being hungry, just like Adam does.

Look again, and see just how thin, pale, small, and sad you are in this picture.

Then your Father in Heaven opened the Pleven doors and shone the light in.

The darkness has been slinking away, and now beautiful truth is finding it’s rightful place.

A wonderfully kind doctor visited you.

There is a new lady in charge of you now.  She’s glad the light is shining into Pleven!

“She shared lots of changes…that are going to be great for the children and best of all, she is EXCITED about the [donated, specialized] formula!!!   She has completely revamped the “kitchen program”, so the kids are getting better quality food (and learning to eat from spoons, etc), the children with special needs will NOT be isolated anymore and will instead be integrated in with the other children and there is much more accountability in regards to the staff. It sounded like she’s restructuring everything, including mindsets.  :)”

I cannot read this without laughter bubbling up inside me!  Because it means more than simply policies or words, or simply a fundraiser button on a blog and kind people who give.

It means your life is changing, tiny girl.  You are getting better food.  You have put on a little weight, and have a healthier color now!  You are gaining energy.  And smiling.  And laughing.

Not long ago, a loving daddy and mommy saw your face.  They aren’t scared by your needs.  They love you just the way you are!  They sent a paper to your country to say,

“We commit to do all it takes to make this special girl our girl.”  

Beautiful small one,

“Arise, shine, for your light has come.”


Thank you again, Susanna, for allowing me to share your wonderful post!

So now you know that long-overdue changes are being made in this hellish place.  The children and their well-being will hopefully now be the number one concern for those in charge .   With that in mind, do you remember when I said I would elaborate on something?

Meet 11 year old Liliana…

That isn’t a typo.  She was 11 years old in these photos and weighed only 11 pounds!!  Okay, think about this;  my 19-month daughter is tiny for her age, not even on the growth chart and even she is 19lbs.!  Sweet Liliana was 11 pounds at 11 years old!  It is completely inexcusable for this child to have been so malnourished over so many years.  The amazing thing is that she has just been adopted and should be arriving home with her new family right about now!  Her new name is Amelia, and she waited for 12 long years in Pleven orphanage, this terrible place that has been called Auschwitz for children.  12 years slowly dying, bedridden, and starving.

Here she is all dressed up and looking so much better!  Pretty girl.  However, she is still very sick in this photo.

This is right before her family took her out of the orphanage.  She weighed 12 pounds.  She has gained weight only because she spent time in the hospital over the winter, which is a miracle in itself.  I shudder to think of how many children have simply been permitted to die without intervention of this sort.  Poor thing was still so sick and weak, her new mama had to take her straight from the orphanage to the hospital.  They plan to take her right back to the hospital as soon as they land on U.S. soil.

This is just one small group of kids from one orphanage.  How many more kids are out there who are in equally hellish circumstances?    How many are dying?  How many desperately need that giant “spotlight of hope” to be shone onto them like the children in Pleven have had?  Please everyone, pray, pray, pray for all of them!   Let’s shout it out at the top of our lungs to our Heavenly Father!

I will leave you all with one last thing.  Little Marsha from the beginning of this post, has a family coming for her!!!  Yay!!!   But I know that her family needs prayers that all will go quickly and smoothly so that they can go get their little angel as soon as possible.  Also, the other children in this post still wait for families, so it goes without saying, share it and pray!

Thank you all!


Meet Owen

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Today is all about one.  One precious boy who has never known the love of a family.  A lonely boy who sits waiting each and every day for someone to come for him, but nobody ever does.  One boy who has been defined by the rare genetic condition he was born with.  A condition which has left him different than all the other boys and girls waiting for families.   Aren’t we all “different”?  Don’t we all have imperfections?  Yes!  But does that mean we don’t deserve love?  Does that mean this precious boy doesn’t deserve love or a family?  I think not!

Meet Owen, when his journey began…

Owen as a newborn.

     He was seen as unworthy of love from the time of his birth.


Months go by, and Owen is still waiting for a family.

Sweet baby Owen

 He is just a baby.  A sweet, snuggly little baby.  Why has nobody chosen him?


Owen became a toddler.

Toddler Owen

He plays and smiles like any other child his age.  He has so much potential if only he is given the chance.  His tiny little body aches for the hugs and kisses of a mommy and daddy who loves him, just like any other child.  Yet he still waits.

Why hasn’t he been chosen yet?  Are people too scared to adopt a boy who is so different?   Are people afraid of him?   This precious boy is surely deserving of the love and affection of a mom and dad, isn’t he?  So what if he is different!  Aren’t you different from me?   So why is it that Owen doesn’t have love and doesn’t have a family because of how “different” he is?                           

This little boy wriggled his way into my heart while I was searching an adoption site (which I often do).  When I stumbled onto a photo of Owen, and it had me in tears.  I mean hysterical tears.  Why?  Because the adoption site had only one very sub par photo of him.  I understand that for many of the children, the agency only gets one photo and that’s all, so they have no choice but to use it.

 That photo portrayed him in a way that I just knew in my heart was not truly him.  I was so heartbroken that this boy was not even being offered the tiniest of chances to have a family.   I was outraged that this was the photo that the adoption agency was using.  But again, maybe they had more photos to choose from?  I don’t know.  I only know that with this photo could potentially be the cause for the old “scroll past” for this precious child.   I almost don’t want to show you all.  But I feel I have to for full understanding to be attained. Here it is.



I am so upset when I see this, I cannot even convey it properly!   This was the very first photo I ever saw of Owen.

Through tears as I write this I think to myself, “How is this giving him a chance?”   I have prayed and prayed for Owen.   Owen has been on my heart for so long folks.     This sweetheart is just a baby, not quite 5 years old.    What if this were my child?

Then, yesterday as I scrolled through the many waiting children, I see the sweet a precious face I always knew existed!  I saw this…

A happy, somewhat smiling boy waving to the camera!  Oh praise God!!!   The adoption site gave him a real chance!  Now maybe his mom and dad will see what I see.  Do you see?  Do you?  Can you see the promise in those eyes?  Can you imagine how much bigger that smile could be?  The giggles that could be heard if he were tickled?  Oh my, I cannot express how much I pray this guy’s family will find him and bring him home!

While typing this, my 19 month old came to the computer.  I wasn’t sure what she would think seeing Owen’s face.  But you know what she did, she stared for a moment and then said “baby”.  I replied, “Yes, that is a sweet baby.”   She giggled for a moment while still staring.  In my mind I am thinking to myself, “What does someone like my daughter, untainted by the world and it’s unrealistic standards, think when she sees someone like Owen?”  Many kids would be afraid perhaps since they  have been conditioned to think that imperfection is something to fear.   As my daughter stares at this picture I tell her, “This baby’s name is Owen. Owen is a sweet boy.”  What came out of her mouth I didn’t expect, she said, “Kiss!”  So I helped her reach the monitor and she kissed Owen’s picture.  She then said, “More Owen!”  I scrolled through all the photos of him as she asked to kiss each one of them.  She thought he was beautiful.  The last thing she said really chokes me up.  Very distinctly and clearly she said, “Owen, ocean, Owen, ocean.”  Now maybe it was purely the rhyme she figured out?   But maybe not.  Maybe she she was saying Owen is beautiful like the ocean.  Ari loves the ocean.  I have not been able to get that out of my mind.  Because it’s true – Owen is beautiful and strong just like the ocean.  Leave it to my toddler to teach me something so deep and meaningful.

So…  now I ask the inevitable question.  What will you do to help get Owen’s story out there?  Will you help this little boy to no longer be defined by his imperfections.  Help his new mom and dad to see this face which God created, as their perfectly and wonderfully made SON.

You can go to the link below to see more about Owen.

I will be re-posting this one now and then so that Owen really might have a chance!   Will you do the same?

In Owen’s region, there are so many kids that have either already been transferred to a mental institution or will be shortly.   Remember children who have Down Syndrome have an over 90% chance of dying in their first year in a mental institution.  If they do not have Down Syndrome, they have an over 80% chance of death in the first year.  Survival in these terrible places is not easy and essentially these kids are sentenced to death.   Please keep that in mind as you read about each child.

Cora Lynne

Can you believe this tiny peanut is 5 1/2 years old?  She has Down Syndrome which, in her region, makes her worthy of nothing more than to be thrown away into a mental institution for the rest of her life.  Please click the link to learn more about Cora Lynne.



Archie is facing transfer to he mental institution soon.   He is such a sweet boy, but he has Down Syndrome.  Please read more about Archie and what a little love bug this guy is.



This little bug is 6 years old!  Like the other children, she looks like a baby.  Sadly this is a product of the nutrient poor diet and neglect these children suffer.  She has downs syndrome and is facing transfer soon.



Folks, sweet Abbott is 5 years old and has already been transferred. Nobody knows how he is doing, so his situation is dire!  Please get his photo circulating!  He has Down Syndrome so I fear the worst.  Please click the link to read about what an amazing boy he is.



Tomas was born in 2005 and has Down Syndrome.  He is at risk of being transferred very soon.  Look at his face.  Does he deserve to die?



Born in 2005 this sweet little round faced pumpkin is at risk for transfer soon!  Poor sweetie could blossom in a family.  She does not deserve an institution.

Please remember that none of these kids will have a chance to find a home if there photos aren’t circulated.  So please, share this post on Facebook or Twitter or wherever.  And don’t underestimate the power of prayer!


Last Day! Hurry! I’m Hosting A Drawing!

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Updated 8/5:  Okay everyone, today is the last and final day to enter the drawing! So hurry and check out how you can get in on the action, details below!

How does a $20 Starbucks, Pete’s Coffee or Target gift card sound? Why am I doing this? As most of you know I have had my blog up and running for a little while now.   Well,  I need more readers and more feedback!   I see that I am getting some readers which is great, but really, I need more regular readers and I really need to HEAR from YOU!   Is everybody really too shy?  Too busy?  Too afraid?  Whats up?  I have no idea, but I would like to know!

Here are the details:

1) Go to my blog between now and 8/5
2) Read, learn, hang around a while!
3) Leave a comment on my blog site (on, not Facebook!) in whatever section or post you  desire. Your comment must have appropriate and valid content.   Aka, please actually read what you’re commenting on.   Please follow the golden rule:  If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

4) Poof! You’re entered into the drawing!
Want another chance to win a $20 gift card?  Well, here is another shot!   I am having a separate drawing for “sharing” sections of my blog or any of my posts, onto Facebook.  Here are the details:

1) Go to my blog between now and 8/5
2) Read, learn, hang out a bit longer this time?
3) Click the little Facebook  icon on the bottom of any page of my blog and share it among all your Facebook  friends!  Make sure your share is public so when I go to your page, I can see it if we aren’t friends.

4) Be sure to tag me when you share the link so I am notified of your share!  (Message me via my blog if we are not Facebook friends.  I will need your email address, name and Facebook name (so I can go to your page and see your public share).  You cannot be entered if I cannot see your share or who you are!

5) Poof once more! You are now entered into the drawing!

The winners will be announced on 8/6/12 —–VIA FACEBOOK ( as well as email)—–
Two winners, two chances to win!  So easy!!!!  The best part is, you get to choose which gift card you want and I will mail it out to you asap!  Please follow the directions above carefully and know that the drawing is completely random.  One entry per person, per drawing.   Good luck!  God bless!


Is it Enough?

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I have spent my life oblivious.  I had had no idea that there was so much need in the world outside my little bubble.  I certainly had no clue that there were so many orphans in such dire circumstances.  Not that I am a selfish person (at least I hope not!), I just wasn’t aware of the orphans plight.  I was never shown, and I never really stumbled onto it until recently, as you all know.  I have spent many years thinking to myself that I would be happy with one or two kids, and someday when they were all grown up and had moved out, I would get to enjoy MY life, MY way.  I never thought about adoption.  Not that it wasn’t something I thought of as wonderful, I just honestly never thought about it.  I know, I know, I was really oblivious.

Now, I must say that when it comes to my family, it pains me that these precious years with my children to go by so quickly.  I make sure to savor every moment.  In fact, sometimes I wish I could press the pause or rewind button on life with my kids (and husband).  It goes by way too quickly, and that scares me when I really stop to think about it.  Parenthood is the most beautiful, priceless adventure I could imagine in life.

But you know, in the grand scheme of things, I was like everyone else, running the race and waiting for the “finish line”  when my days of child rearing were done, and I could cash in my tickets of mass sacrifice for a more fun and relaxing lifestyle.

Well, a funny thing happened when all this new knowledge came into view.  How do I say this?  Uh, hmm…well you know that feeling when God taps you on the shoulder and then whispers something in your ear that you weren’t expecting to hear?   (I realize for many people that God tapping you on the shoulder might sound a bit weird.  I know it’s something not all of us have noticed or experienced.)   You know I have to say, every time this happens to me it’s always something I wasn’t expecting to hear so I can’t pretend to be shocked by this!

I started to feel like I had more to live for.  I am not talking about the family I’ve been blessed with not being enough.  I am referring to my own selfish desires for the future.  I began to feel like God was putting a magnifying glass on my life.  And I was beginning to see that I may no longer be a two-kid-maximum mother.  The fact that I was feeling like more children are a significant possibility for our future quite frankly freaked me out.  After realizing this, I had a much needed discussion with my husband.  Obviously it matters where he stands in all this too. What if I was alone in this?  What if God had not worked in him yet?  What if?

It turns out that my husband also feels the pang in his heart, which makes this way easier for me.  When this all started, I was terribly afraid he wouldn’t understand what I felt in my heart God was asking of me/us.  But thankfully that hurdle was removed for me, thank God!

I must admit though that it is still a very sobering and intimidating thought that God may someday tell us it’s time to expand our family.  Maybe we will have another baby?  Maybe we will adopt?  Maybe we will be asked to adopt from a foreign country?  Maybe we will be asked to adopt a child who has special needs?  Maybe we will be asked to adopt more than one child?  What about the expense?  Surely we do not have the ability to fund an adoption.  God knows, I do not.  What I do know is we just need to be willing to accept His will, and we are.

Being willing has its flaws though.  I find myself always asking “the question”.  Just about every time I read a blog where someone is advocating for a child, I ask.  When I do my regular check ups on the adoption sites to see who has been transferred/adopted, etc., I ask.   Each photo I see of every sweet baby (yes, all of them are babies, no matter the age) in desperate need of loving home, I can’t help but ask the question, “Is this our child?”  Every face I see staring back at me has me wondering if any of these children are meant for us.  They are all deserving.  They are all suffering in some way.  They all NEED a family to love them.  Who am I to decide who deserves it more than the next?

To be honest, I couldn’t choose.  So I pray.  I pray that we will know: when it’s time, which one is ours, how to provide the means necessary to do what we are supposed to do.

I never in my life knew about these kids or their plight, neither in the U.S. or abroad.

I never thought about adoption.  I was just dandy with the idea of having one or two kids of my own and the relaxing life I had always envisioned.  Now all I have to say is… here we are!

So for those of you wondering why this lady who runs and adoption advocacy (etc.) blog, has not yet adopted a child herself, there’s your answer!  I could be completely wrong on what God was trying to tell me, but I doubt it.  I suppose He could change His mind if God does that sort of thing.  Whatever may come, my husband and I are along for the ride!

A side note:

Do I think that adoption is all we are going to be asked to do?  No, I do not.  Despite the amazing gift adoption can be, I do not believe that is enough for us.  Please, do not take offense to this statement, adoptive parents!  That was not meant to say that you haven’t done an incredible thing.  All adoptive parents have made a choice to “do something” to help a child/children.  Whatever the reason behind your decision to adopt, I commend all those who have chosen to give an orphaned child a real chance at life.  I know that for everything that comes along with that choice – the hard work, the sacrifice, the tears –   there are also incredible and immensely beautiful rewards.   Here  is a very sweet glimpse of what one of those rewards looks like: 

Thank you to my friend Melanie for allowing me to share this video of her sweet son (above).  To learn more about this precious boy and his story, go here:

So with that said, for us,  in this family there has to be more.  How do I know this?  I know this based on how God called me into this extremely foreign field of serving.  He placed so heavily on my heart orphans and children who have suffered extreme neglect, violence, and abuse.  Now I know that in many cases, these are one in the same.  However the way it was shown to me was very clearly separated.  The main goal is to help ALL of these kids.  Their circumstances ALL must change.  Their lives MUST NOT be in vain.

God Bless!


The Awful Truth

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Today, I was really planning on writing about something new and compelling.  Something that might “grab” a reader’s attention.   But I realized that what I truly wanted to write about should be complelling on it’s own.   I shouldn’t even need to include words in this post.  Why?

Well because…

Shouldn’t this sweet face tell it all?  This is Ivey,  She cannot tell you how she feels.  She cannot describe to us the pain she feels, how lonely she is, how scared she might be or how very long ago she lost hope of having a family of her own.  She only sits in a dark and scary mental institution slowly fading away, utterly forgotten.  She is only 5 years old and has already suffered so much.  Shouldn’t her face be enough so that words aren’t needed?  (click on her name to learn more about her)

If you have not read about The Life Of An Orphan, please, I beg you to go and read it now!  We have no idea in the world as to how greatly these children suffer until we try to step into their torturous reality for a moment.  I realize that we cannot teleport ourselves to where they are at this very moment in order to do that,  so the best I can offer is this story which I have written.    Please read it before you decide to just scroll past this post.

Do it for them…

                                               (click on a name to learn more about them)












And please do not forget about the kids I have already listed who still wait.  All but two of these children have been transferred to an institution!  Please pray, please share, please do not be afraid to help these little ones…


Heath has a grant of over $9,000 towards his adoption!  Please continue to pass it on!

Heath has already been TRANSFERRED to an institution!  The facility in which he lives houses many boys, and he is one of the lucky few (like 3) who are available for adoption at all.  Heath is now called a “lost boy” for the very reason that his file will most likely be returned to his country at any time, and he will no longer be adoptable.   Heath was born in 2001, so you can see how long he has been waiting and hoping for a family.  We know he is a tiny guy for his age, which is most likely due to the lack of nutrition.  He lives in the same institution as Porter (above).  Please take some time to read about Heath’s institute.  This sweet boy could thrive in a family who loves him, all he needs is a chance.

To learn more about Heath, click the link below:

Below is the testimony of those who met Heath at his institute.




This picture speaks for itself!  What a precious girl this is.  Look at those eyes!
Sweet Gemma has down syndrome and she has already been TRANSFERRED to a mental institution!  If you have read my site, you know that over 90% of down syndrome kids die within the first year of transfer!  Oh my goodness, she is in desperate need of rescue!  You can read more about Gemma here:




Sweet Sergey is such a darling little guy!  What a sweet face!  His orphanage is one of the poorer ones with very little outside aid, which means these kids have little chance for a decent life while there.    All of the children are tiny and malnourished.  Children in Sergey’s orphanage are transferred to the mental institution at 4 years old For him there is a desperate need.  Let’s help him find his family before he ends up spending the rest of his life in the confines of a crib, slowly dying.   Sergey has a grant of over $5,000 towards his adoption!  Please continue to pass it on!




Little Katie is such a doll!  What a smile!  She was born in 2005 and like the others, she has been waiting way too long for a family of her own.   She is very smart and has so much to offer.  Katie was born with down syndrome, but please know that children with this challenge are known to be incredible blessings to their family.  They are amazing kids!  Check out her listing and help get her story out there!

Good News!

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First of all, I am so pleased to announce that sweet, deserving, precious little Porter…

HAS A FAMILY COMING FOR HIM!!!!    Praise God, his mom and dad found him!  Please join me in sending out our prayers to this amazing family.  Pray that all will go quickly, smoothly, and that Porter will be able to come home very soon.  

But what about all the others that are still waiting?  

Today,  while reading another blog, I found this documentary made by the same people who filmed “The Dying Rooms” which I provide a link for in My Research section.  This wonderful documentary takes us to the Ukraine and follows orphans and their struggles.  Please take some time to watch it.  Watch the whole thing.  You will see things that will inspire you.  You will see things that will break your heart.  You will even see the story of Sasha, the sweet boy picture below.  He is an example of the amazing potential these kids have if only given a chance.   Go here to see Ukraine’s Forgotten Children.  Watch it and share it!


Sweet Sasha


God Bless and thanks for reading!




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Hello All!


I hope you all had a great holiday!


First off I want to say thank you to the many people who have been reading this blog! I am flabbergasted at the number of readers I have seen thus far!  I am so excited about this and hope you will continue to stop in and hang out a while!  I haven’t been getting much feedback, which is fine, however I would love to know your thoughts so please consider it.  Thank you!

With that said,  Today, is not a heavy post kind of day.  It’s an inspirational kind of day!

My Pastor recently said this, and I thought it was beautifully put.  (This isn’t word for word, I got it about 99% close!)


“Out of  our brokenness comes wholeness which becomes blessing in our life.  What He calls us to do as a church, as a people, caring for the needs of others demonstrating the gospel, doing His work in this world, which is impossible to do without a miracle.  The world is so bad and so dark.  Its’ going to take a miracle to turn it all around.  But the miracle has happened and the miracle is happening.” 

“If you just go, and you take what you have in your hands and you just go and start passing out the bread, and you start doing.   Then He begins to work miraculously through us.  We may feel inadequate but that’s what qualifies us.”

 “Sometimes as a church we look, and we feel overwhelmed because the needs are great and the obstacles are huge.  How can we make a difference in this situation?  But Jesus already knows what he is going to do.  It’s going to take a miracle but its going to start with people like us saying “I’m willing take what’s in my hands and give it to Jesus.”  And when we give it to Him and He puts it back in our hands… start telling, start spreading, start serving, start doing whatever it is He is calling us to do.”

“You Just watch how He miraculously begins to multiply and work through that.  Something very natural in our efforts becomes very supernatural in its impact. Because Jesus is at work redeeming, restoring and rebuilding.  It’s what His kingdom is all about.  One day His kingdom will come in all of it’s fullness.  But today, we can live in his kingdom here.”


Wow folks, he is so right!  If you open your heart, mind, and soul up to what His will is for your life, He can do amazing things through you!  This message was given at church when I was still in the mode of trying to figure out what God was asking me to do.  I know that this message was one that started to drive things home for me.   It let me know that God was telling me that yes, I am only one person.  But I can still do so much if I give it to Him first.  If I trust and follow.

Can you imagine what He can do in your life if you ask, listen, and trust?  Food for thought!


Anyway, to end this light post, I have some photos from our family outing yesterday.  We went to Mt. Saint Helens.  It was so amazing! The photos don’t do it justice!



Me and the kidlets


Little Ari





Athen, The man of many faces



The fam

Pondering Our Freedom On This 4th Of July

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Happy 4th everyone!

All of America is celebrating today.  Celebrating freedom.  Celebrating independence.  But while so many are out grilling burgers and setting off fireworks, I can’t help but think of those who have no freedom.  Those precious children have no voice and aren’t heard.  These sweet little forgotten lives are stuck in the confines of a crib or tied to a bed rail.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week they lay in the same crib, in the same room, in the same prison.  They have never eaten a juicy burger or seen an awe inspiring fireworks display.   They, the children who have been tossed aside for their so called “imperfections”, are just waiting for their lives to begin, waiting for a chance, and waiting for a Mom andDad.  This is where my heart is today: the orphans who are stuck in institutions all across the globe.  Their lives are withering away as each day passes.

So today, friends, I invite you to help me help these kids!  Please read each of their stories below and spread the word.  We need to help their future moms and dads to see their precious faces before it’s too late for them.  It’s a sad day when a child’s file is returned to their country listed as unadoptable for the rest of their lives.


Precious Porter is a boy (despite the pink) who has been waiting a very long time for his family to find him.  He has been TRANSFERRED to an institution that has a very bad reputation.  He is suffering in a sea of  “lost boys”.  The link below takes you to Porter’s listing.

The article below is written by a wonderful adoptive Mom who has been to the institution Porter has been sent to.  Click below to read her account of what a terrible place Porter’s new home is.


 Heath has already been TRANSFERRED to an institution!  The facility in which he lives houses many boys and he is one of the lucky few (like 3) who are available for adoption at all.  Heath is now called a “lost boy”, for the very reason that his file will most likely be returned to his country at any time and he will become un-adoptable.   Heath was born in 2001, so you can see how long he has been waiting and hoping for a family.  We know he is a tiny guy for his age, which is most likely due to the lack of nutrition.  He lives in the same institution that Porter (above) is at.  Please take some time to read about Heath’s institute.  This sweet boy could thrive in a family who loves him, all he needs is a chance.

To learn more about Heath, click the link below:

Below is the testimony of those who met Heath at his institute.





This picture speaks for itself!  What a precious girl this is.  Look at those eyes!
Sweet Gemma has down syndrome and she has already been TRANSFERRED to a mental institution!  If you have read my site, you know that over 90% of down syndrome kids die within the first year of transfer!  Oh my goodness, she is in desperate need of rescue!  You can read more about Gemma here:


Sweet Sergey is such a darling little guy!  What a sweet face!  His orphanage is one of the poorer ones, with very little outside aid which means these kids have little chance for a decent life while there.    All of the children are tiny and malnourished.  Children in Sergey’s orphanage are transferred to the mental institution at 4 years old.  So for him, there is a desperate need.  Let’s help him find his family before he ends up spending the rest of his life in the confines of a crib, slowly dying.  Sergey has over $5,000 in grant money towards his adoption!


Little Katie is such a doll!  What a smile!  She was born in 2005 and like the others, she has been waiting way too long for a family of her own.   She is very smart and has so much to offer.  Katie was born with down syndrome, but please know that children with this challenge are known to be incredible blessings to their family.  They are amazing kids!  Check out her listing and help get her story out there!

Thanks everyone!   Now lets circulate!  Oh, and PRAY PRAY PRAY for these little ones families to find them, soon!

My Revelation

Posted on

Well, it’s official!  My blog is up and running!  Hallelujah!  I first want to say thank you!  Thank you to those who believe in me and encouraged me to take this step.  Grant and Erica, your support is invaluable, and I love you guys!  Thank you to anyone who takes the time to really READ the pages of this blog which I have worked so hard to prepare.  I strongly encourage that if anyone is visiting my blog for the first time, please fully explore each section.  The goal of my blog is to educate and advocate!  I have poured my heart and soul out onto these pages and have great hopes that it will reach people and make a difference.

I want to warn everyone, I am at the beginning of this journey.  I have grand ideas about what the future might look like in terms of helping children all over the world.  Namely, improving the systems responsible for orphanages in foreign countries and in turn improving care for the children in said places, as well as somehow improving the foster care system and adoption industry in America and all over the world.  It is obvious that in all of these places, the safety and well being of the children are not the main goals, and far too often it is money driven.  So to be quite forward, I am not advocating for children so that they might end up in an abusive home living with parents who have sinister motives. Unfortunately, that happens too often as well.

Romanian orphan, tied to his bed. Oh, my mom heart!

Many things I have written for this blog may be hard to digest.  In fact, I was recently having coffee with a good friend (you know who you are), and I was telling her about the things I had learned while “digging”, as I call it.  Her response was one I sort of expected, something along the lines of, “I don’t know how you were able to watch that!” or “I couldn’t have handled reading that.  It would make me too sad!” or “That would depress me too much.”  At the time, I didn’t think about it too much, but afterwards it hit me like a ton of bricks… She feels how most people are probably going to feel.   Like they want to run the other way for fear of the raw emotion that may emerge by learning about these things.  Fear that they are just one person who cannot do anything to help or change the plight of these kids, so why go  through the pain of learning?

I will tell you, at the beginning of this journey, I was the same as everyone else, avoiding things that produced too much of a real emotional upheaval.  I didn’t want to be depressed!  But as God took me down this path, I realized that I NEEDED to feel, really FEEL!  Feeling the walls crash down around me, in my cozy life, and having my heart break was a necessary step.  I have spent many days and hours on my knees begging God to tell me how He could let this happen to children!   I have spent so many days in deep prayer, depressed and lost as to what to do.  After so long of asking God the question of “how”… I got an answer.  It’s not “how”, it’s “what”.  “What” was I going to do about it.  I realized that God did not do any of this, it’s people and free will.  It was clear to me that God wanted me to know how Satan gets a hold on people and the evil that can come out of that.  So, what I am trying to say, in way too many words,  is this: I had to be shocked for this cause, I had to be depressed for this cause, and it was necessary for me to be moved beyond my comfy perimeters and have my eyes opened to see more, to see what others don’t even realize is there (I was one of them).  I needed to see the suffering endured by these young and precious lives.  It was all needed so that I could be changed.  The way I think, the way I view others, the way I see my own children, and the way I live my life.  He helped me to see my selfishness.  My selfishness to desire a life where I get to do what I want and not think of anyone except for my little family unit and our happiness.

He heard my prayers for wisdom, and He gave me a deeper understanding about what really goes on in the world.  He heard me, and now He breaks my heart for what breaks His heart.  It has been LIFE CHANGING!  For the better I might add!  This is what clarity is!  My heart now feels free, like the sky is the limit for His glory!  I find myself wondering how could anyone go through life NOT EVER feeling this!  It’s miraculous, and it’s just the beginning!  I have no idea what God has in store for our family, but we are all on board and ready to follow when He says “Go”!  I hope that all who come here and read this are willing to go as well.  See where this knowledge takes you.  Maybe God has a plan for you in this.  And maybe not.

Please, I ask, just don’t be afraid to learn.  These children NEED us!   They need us to be their voice because they are suffering in silence.   Maybe you aren’t going to be asked to adopt, because adoption isn’t for everyone.  Maybe God will use this information as a seed planted in your heart, which will grow and lead you to adopt or to start your own journey to help the kids of the world.  We are all called to care for the orphan (James 1:27) but in different ways.   Maybe all He is going to ask you to do is to have the courage to help share a child and their story with the world.  Whether it’s via Facebook, Twitter, email lists, church groups, a chat with a friend, really whenever, wherever.   All you may be compelled to do is press the “share” button, which would be greatly appreciated.  You just never know how something that seems so small, like sharing or reading some strange woman’s blog, can change or save a life.

Thanks for visiting and God bless!
